With the recent news of gangs in schools throughout southern Utah, we can often see signs of gang activity around town with vandalism known as tagging. Tagging, as it is referred to, is a gang members way of showing their presence in a neighborhood. With spray paint and other hard to remove substances used to scrawl signs, names and sometimes obscene messages, this vandalism is oftentimes done to innocent residents’ homes, fences or seen along roadways to sides of buildings and road signs. As we cringe when we see these signs of gang activity, we must act fast to clean the vandalism and help not promote retaliation from other groups. HiCaliber of southern Utah can clean up the tagging quickly and remove all signs of this and other vandalism from your neighborhood. After notifying authorities, call us immediately for vandalism clean up if any tagging is spotted at (435) 674-9338 or visit us online at http://801website.com/hicaliber.

Photo: Frederic Bisson

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