
ODOR = a distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one


Bad-smelling areas can negatively affect car sales and personal contentment. 

HiCaliber is dedicated to eliminating all traces of odor from the affected area or material. However, this isn’t always an easy task. Even with thorough cleaning, odor molecules can hide. Thankfully, the HiCaliber specialists employ professional cleaning techniques and are equipped with Ozone and Thermal Fog machines to ensure professional quality cleaning and odor improvement. These machines, coupled with interior premium detail, are highly effective at transforming air quality in your vehicle.


  • Removing the source as possible
  • Cleaning affected surfaces and materials
  • Recreating the conditions of penetration with appropriate counteractants
  • Sealing restorable surfaces as necessary

HiCaliber is Certified with professionals who are trained and experienced in dealing with carpet-related odor. They have the detection tools, the specialized agents, the equipment and the experience necessary to deal with odors of all types and kinds.


If you are trying to sell your car and you, or someone else smoked in the vehicle, you are going to have a harder time finding a buyer.  Cigarette smell is one of the hardest odors to remove.  Lucky for you, HiCaliber has Ozone generators.

How does the OZONE generator work?

Ozone generators create O3, or ozone, which disburses into the space to be treated. O3 attacks odor causing substances at their source to permanently remove odors in the treatment area.

Give us a call if you have a car you want to sell that has an odor issue, or if you plan to keep your vehicle but you want to rid it of an unwanted stench.  435-674-9338 and find us on facebook


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