Energy prices continue to increase with no end in sight. Many people have had to cut back on many things, from travel to the temperature inside of their homes.

There are a number of tricks that you can do to reduce your energy consumption in your home. Make sure to inspect your home every year for cracks, looking for places where air can get into your home. Another thing you can do is cover your windows during the hot months and uncover them during colder months.

Did you know that a lot of energy gets into your home (and escapes from it as well) through your roof. During the summer, the sun heats the materials in your roof, which gets transferred through to the insulation. Insulation is good for only a certain amount of heat, after that, the heat passes through.

An excellent way to combat this is with HiCaliber’s SmartFoils technology. SmartFoils are multi-layered radiant barriers. During the summer their reflective surface deflect heat back out through your roof with 95% efficiency. During winter, heat coming up from your house is reflected back down.

For more information about SmartFoils, please call us at 435-674-9338, toll-free at 800-492-6333, or check out our web pages.

Wishing you success with your endeavors to lower your energy bills,

The HiCaliber Team

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